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Pathways to Consciousness Power
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About This Book
This book is the author’s signature story. It is fluid, intriguing, authentic, and sometimes poignant. It will move you to your core. In her book, Dr. Cloe Couturier develops the blog she started writing from 2009 to 2022 with more significant insights on what brought her to do her work and how she evolved with it.
This book is the framework for the scientific evidence of the organic evolution, development, and progressive birthing of a new model for integrative health and medicine, which she has named, CranioSacralQigong®.
Through the combined practices of both Craniosacral work and Medical Qigong, a new approach to integrated natural health medicine has evolved over many years.
This model encompasses blending some of the most ancient Eastern models, medical Qigong, with some of the cutting edge of the evolution of Western medicine, Craniosacral therapeutics
All the schools of craniosacral work will benefit from these teachings. Dr. Cloe has embraced, updated, and upgraded the Upledger Craniosacral model of Craniosacral therapy because she was privileged to be working right next to Dr. John Upledger for many years.
Indeed, world-renowned osteopath Dr. John Upledger, DO, OMM (1932-2012) invited Dr. Cloe Couturier to work by his side, at his clinic in Palm Beach County, Florida, in 1995. She worked at The Upledger Clinic and participated immensely in developing “the mother ship” for 24 years. She then moved on her own a few blocks to establish the next edge of Craniosacral work into CranioSacralQigong®.
Her approach to Craniosacral work started as a biodynamic osteopath and evolved into blending Upledger Craniosacral work with medical Qigong into what she continues to develop, CranioSacralQigong®.
“This book represents a pivot in the evolution of consciousness, evolving from my personal and professional lives. It is a vector because it carries an energy trajectory that manifests as a living transmission once aligned. Following the valuable lineages of thousands of years of transmission, I have been a worthy student as I have put what my teachers taught me into practice, and it has carried its fruits.” —Dr. Cloe Couturier, DMQ
CranioSacralQigong® has emerged as a new integrative modality in its evolutionary process.
In honor of these revered lineages, Dr. Couturier invites the next generation of thirsty students to discover some of the most potent consciousness pathways one can establish in all dimensions of their lives through the teachings and practice of CranioSacralQigong®.
Despite being dealt some of the most challenging cards, the progression of her choices granted Dr. Couturier some of the most successful manifestations one can achieve, personally and professionally. This book is an invitation for students who want to receive a transmission directly from a living master.
“I am already mighty proud of all my current students and how well they are learning and evolving in all aspects of their lives. I am looking forward to formally training students who will choose to study with me. “Dr. Cloe Couturier
When the rules of Qigong passed on diligently for thousands of years from worthy masters to worthy students are appropriately followed, one develops and embodies pathways to consciousness power. In seeking help for her son, diagnosed at four years old with DMD, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, an incurable illness that came with the prognosis of a shortened life, Dr. Cloe Couturier ventured to deploy means that would transmute this outcome. In this multidimensional signature story, the author modifies her blog into empirical evidence of the emergence and the birthing of CranioSacralQigong® as a new modality, in its own evolutionary process. By organically combining Craniosacral work at its osteopathic root, with medical Qigong, Dr. Cloe Couturier demonstrates how a spontaneous update and an upgrade to each modality have merged into a biodynamic approach to health, wellness, and healing.
Key Points
Update, Upgrade & Get Biodynamic With CranioSacralQigong®

History, Personal Stories and Case Studies
How I got into all of this; my family and the challenges we met; people, families over a period of 27 years

Working With Dr. John Upledger
This book tells my story of working at the Upledger Clinic for 24 years.

Empirical Evidence
The book brings the facts on how CranioSacralQigong® is an evolutionary process and contained both with scientific evidence and legality. It represents the integration of Eastern with Western medicine, and the transmutation and empowerment of the consciousness of each into a new process.

About The Author
Dr. Cloe Couturier, CO, DMQ, CSD
Osteopath, Medical Qigong Doctor and CranioSacral Diplomate
Developer of CranioSacralQigong®
Dr. Cloe Couturier is a European Certified Osteopath, Upledger CranioSacral Therapy Diplomate and a Medical Qigong Doctor.
She graduated from the College of Medical Qigong, Henan University of Traditional Medicine, and The International Institute of Medical Qigong. She is licensed by the People’s Republic of China’s Ministry of Health as a Doctor of Medical Qigong therapy in the Beijing Western District of Medical Qigong Science and T.C.M. Research Institute. Dr. Cloe Couturier is a nationally certified advanced Qigong Instructor (NQA.Org) and nationally certified as an EHP-C, energy healing practitioner in the clinical Qigong division. (NCCOEP.Org)
Dr. John Upledger D.O. recognized Dr. Cloe Couturier’s special gifts and abilities early on after her graduating from osteopathic college, and he personally invited her in 1995 to work right next to him with patients at his clinic. She therefore had the greatest privilege to be closely mentored by him, as she worked right by his side, in his prime, and till the end of his life. Dr. Cloe Couturier participated immensely in the development of what the Upledger Institute International Craniosacral community has named “the mother ship”.
Both Dr. John Upledger and John Matthew Upledger, his son, coached, promoted, and sponsored Dr. Cloe Couturier in her organic process towards the evolution of CranioSacralQigong®.
Under some of the most challenging conditions, patients worldwide who could not find help elsewhere have found the resolution, excellent health, and happiness in their work with Dr. Cloe Couturier and CranioSacralQigong®.
This is because of the quality of her unique skills, her passion for understanding and promoting our inherent gifts of healing, and her years of education and experience training under world-renowned masters.
She has had many brilliant teachers, masters, and innovators in their fields. But she finds the truest testament to these practices in the life of her most outstanding teacher, her son, Dorian R. Kallen. Her journey would be prompted when she was told by a neurologist who diagnosed Dorian at 4 years old with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy that there was no cure for this condition and that he would not be expected to live past his teens.
Dorian lived close to turning 32 after living his happiest, healthiest, and most interesting life, surrounded by people who loved him deeply. Through her relationship with her son and daughter as a single mother, Dr. Couturier learned daily how precious life is, that it can be short, and how it is meant to be lived and appreciated to its fullest. She feels there can be no more powerful lesson, as every moment is a miracle and a blessing with which we ought to be continuously grateful and engaged.
The practice of CranioSacralQigong® evolved from meeting her personal needs first as a mother, caregiver, and practitioner for her son and for her clients.
Dr. Cloe Couturier has been practicing in Palm Beach County for over 30 years. She continues the great privilege of working with families of three generations, witnessing the power and evolution of her unique practice of CranioSacralQigong® and how people adopt and apply it to their health and wellness and their lives over the generations.
Dr. Cloe Couturier continues to further develop CranioSacralQigong®. She was awarded Medical Qigong Master of The Year by the World Congress on Integrative Health. Dr. Cloe Couturier is an Advanced Qigong Instructor and Integrative Practitioner, from the NQA.org. Dr. Cloe Couturier is the first developer of CranioSacralQigong®, and the author of “CranioSacralQigong, Pathways of Consciousness Power”, Vol.1.
Dr. Cloe Couturier is married to Edward H. Bastian III, CSQG-P, the first holder of the lineage of CranioSacralQigong®.